
Diablo 3 mf wizard skills build
Diablo 3 mf wizard skills build

diablo 3 mf wizard skills build diablo 3 mf wizard skills build diablo 3 mf wizard skills build

Fire Ball Sorceress: Focuses on the development of the sorceress skills: Fire Ball, Fire Mastery, And other fire skills to increase the Fire Ball skill with additional bonuses.Despite this disadvantage, they are considered one of the best, if not the best, PvP class due to their ability to move quickly across the map with teleportation and ranged attacks, which makes them ideal for Hit-and-Run tactics. The Sorceress, most valued for her high elemental damage output and ranged AOE attacks rather than her teamwork, is great against large groups of monsters however, since they deal elemental magic damage, they are less efficient in PvP combat due to elemental resistances.

Diablo 3 mf wizard skills build